This curriculum is designed to give Illinois middle school students an in-depth look into their rights, responsibilities, and roles as a citizen. It is in alignment with the middle school civic standards for the State of Illinois.
- All lessons feature Library of Congress primary sources.
- Lessons contain digitized Student Learning Activities structured to Spark Inquiry, Deepen Inquiry, Connect and Act.
- Lessons contain Teacher Instructions on how to implement the digitized learning activities.
- Family Life is Civic Life components for selected essential lessons
- Can be implemented in 10 weeks in one 40-60 minute class per week.
- Customizable and flexible in nature.
- Ordered in three levels of lesson: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced.
- Teachers can determine which level of lesson is appropriate and order the presentation based on student needs.
- There is a summative assessment for each Core Principle.
The Our American Voice ® Middle School Civics Curriculum is made possible through a grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity funded by the Illinois State Legislature under the leadership of Senator Don Harmon. The Our American Voice Civics Curriculum (Civics Curriculum) was created based upon content drawn from the Our American Voice Civic Learning and Community Engagement Program (OAV Schools Program). The OAV Schools Program operated by the Barat Education Foundation (BEF) since 2009 was developed as a collaborative endeavor with support through the years from staff, teachers, students, schools, parents, advisors and donors. The key contributors supporting the creation of this Civics Curriculum were: The Barat Education Foundation; the Office of Innovative Professional Learning at DePaul University; The Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Program; The Robert R. McCormick Foundation; Berwyn South School District 100; the DeKalb County Foundation; and our generous donors…